Becoming Career Ready

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has developed a list of 8 key career readiness competencies that individuals can use as guidelines to prepare for success in the world of work. A competency is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. Being career ready means that you have these skills or core competencies and can apply them in real world work scenarios as you manage your career over time. Read Becoming Career Ready for a snapshot of each of these competencies and ways in which you can enhance and advance your development of each.

Changing Language, Changing Minds: Using Restorative Language to Promote Solidarity and Equity

Restorative, or humanizing language, removes stereotypes and labels and shows solidarity and support to people and communities impacted by a variety of circumstances.  Through this guide, we encourage our clients and partners to support and lead change.

STEM2D Student Activities Series Overview

The STEM2D Student Activities series includes interactive and fun, hands-on activities for girls and young women, ages 12–18, globally. All activities are aligned with research-based theory and the STEM2D philosophy. This guide helps youth navigators (individuals working with young people) select and implement the activities.

Go to to see all STEM2D Student Activities and Ignite! activities.

Work and Learning Success Plan

This individual success plan template, created through youth-adult partnership, can be used to encourage and motivate young people and the adults they work with in creating a plan for personal, social, and economic success.

Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum (Coming Soon!)

This pre-apprenticeship curriculum is designed to prepare people for an apprenticeship program and includes hands-on activities and self-guided sessions that are applicable to all professions.

To request access, email us at:

Volunteer Tips: STEM Messaging for Parents

Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tip Series, STEM Messaging for Parents, outlines key messages that can be shared with parents, both to convince them of the value of STEM education and career options and to help them promote and maintain their child’s interest in STEM.

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Volunteer Tips: Youth Brain Development

Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tip Series, Youth Brain Development provides youth navigators with a basic overview and key concepts related to brain development. Understanding adolescent brain development provides important information for supporting young people as they navigate this period of development.

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Volunteer Tips: Engaging Youth

Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tips Series, Engaging Youth helps youth navigators prepare for, engage with, and inspire youths.

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Volunteer Tips: Engaging with Girls

Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tips Series, Engaging with Girls provides youth navigators with tips and strategies for actively engaging girls in their learning. Explore about gender-sensitive learning environments, unconscious bias, unintended impact, the importance of role models, key classroos group-management strategies.

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Volunteer Tips: Intro to Gender

Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tip Series, Intro to Gender helps youth navigators (1) better understand the increasing diversity of the young people who may participate in this program, and (2) some of the deeper issues associated with gender and the broader effort to promote an inclusive and just society.

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