The United States is experiencing a widening skills gap between what potential employees have and what employers are looking for. FHI 360’s National Institute for Work and Learning (NIWL) believes apprenticeships can be a solution to this skills gap, providing a pathway to fulfilling careers that benefits employers, employees, and the entire workforce system. NIWL seeks to expand awareness of and access to apprenticeships, building this valuable pathway to career attainment.
We are thrilled to participate in the first ever Youth National Apprenticeship Week! This nationwide celebration, established by the U.S. Department of Labor, highlights the benefits and value of Registered Apprenticeship program opportunities for youth, ages 16–24. Youth National Apprenticeship Week is especially significant to us, as our Registered Apprenticeship serves youth and young people!
Learn more: Youth Apprenticeship Week Fact Sheet
Read our proclamation in support of apprenticeship here.
What is Apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is a structured earn-while-you-learn model that combines related training instruction with on-the-job learning under the guidance of an experienced mentor.
Registered Apprenticeships (RA) are registered with the U.S. Department of Labor. Upon completion of an RA program, an apprentice earns a nationally recognized credential from the U.S. Department of Labor certifying occupational proficiency.
To learn more about registered apprenticeship, visit:
In our efforts to create alternative pathways to entry, to incorporate the voice of lived experience, and to alleviate barriers to entry in the field, NIWL launched the Youth Development Practitioner Apprenticeship Program as an alternative career pathway to the field of youth development.
Learn more about the YDPA and how you can become an employer partner:
From the World Economic Forum: Apprenticeships could change the way Americans work and learn, by NIWL Director Lisa Johnson
FHI 360’s NIWL is part of the Apprenticeship Ambassador Initiative, which seeks to create a national network of employers, labor organizations, industry associations, program sponsors, educators, workforce intermediaries, minority serving organizations, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders to serve as champions for expanding and diversifying Registered Apprenticeship.