Found 16 Results
The Advantages of an Intermediary Agency to Youth Reentry
Research highlights the benefits of collaborating with intermediary organizations for local reentry organizations and the justice-involved youth they serve. Read this resource for more information.
Going the Extra Mile: A Case Study of Rural Reentry in Arkansas
Going the extra mile: A case study of rural reentry in Arkansas provides an exploration of a rural community in southeast Arkansas that takes a unique, individualized approach to reentering young adults ages 18-24. The received wisdom on rural reentry is that it is generally more difficult than reentry in an urban setting. Phoenix Youth […]
Career MAP Overview
Designed in partnership with the Greater Washington Urban League (GWUL), the Career Mobility Action Plan (MAP) project takes a holistic approach to career mobility and success. A groundbreaking pilot, Career MAP is designed to remove barriers that families with low income confront as they pursue employment that can sustain them.
STEM2D Market Insights
Critical, country-specific data and information about the growing demand for STEM²D talent and the status of a diverse talent pipeline. Customized Market Insights are available for countries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Latin America, and South America. Click your language below to download the PDF for the country of your choice.
An Innovative Approach to Developing Talent for Youth-Serving Employers
FHI360’s Youth Development Practitioner Apprenticeship program offers employers the opportunity to recruit and train employees while giving back to the community and filling their talent pipeline. YDPA targets both existing professionals and opens options for new professionals with lived experience in the communities they serve. Occupations include youth service intake counselors, outreach workers, or justice […]
Workforce Development Inside the Walls: A Rapid Employment Model
FHI 360 has launched the Post-Release Employment Program (PREP) to fast-track participants from behind bars to employment within six weeks. Participants complete two-thirds or more of the employment training pre-release with expedited connection to employers upon graduation. PREP is designed to respond to the critical needs and challenges of individuals returning from jails or prison […]
Providing Education Inside the Walls: A Michigan Pilot
In 2021 FHI 360 began a collaborative project with the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education, to test a replicable 360 model designed to enhance the career and technical educational program offerings for teachers within Michigan juvenile justice facilities and potentially juvenile facilities throughout the nation. FHI 360’s technical assistance specialists […]
Compass Rose Collaborative Young Adult Leadership Council Information Sheet
Launched in 2019, the Young Adult Leadership Council is a key component of NIWL’s Compass Rose Collaborative, a young adult reentry program. This program combines the principles of youth-adult partnerships with reentry programming.
Education and Career Plan Overview
The Education & Career Plan (ECP) is a user-friendly digital tool that builds on FHI 360’s College and Career Readiness: A Guide for Navigators, which helps both students and Navigators map and track the college- and career-readiness journey. Four versions of the ECP are available, designed to support students pursuing different paths: those in high […]
Workforce Development Overview (Coming Soon!)
This fact sheet profiles FHI 360’s National Institute for Work and Learning (NIWL) workforce development efforts.