STEM2D Market Insights

Critical, country-specific data and information about the growing demand for STEM²D talent and the status of a diverse talent pipeline. Customized Market Insights are available for countries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Latin America, and South America. Click your language below to download the PDF for the country of your choice.


Education and Career Plan Overview

The Education & Career Plan (ECP) is a user-friendly digital tool that builds on FHI 360’s College and Career Readiness: A Guide for Navigators, which helps both students and Navigators map and track the college- and career-readiness journey. Four versions of the ECP are available, designed to support students pursuing different paths: those in high school, students in 2–year college programs, students in 4–year college and university programs, and those enrolled in certificate programs. Targeted to 21st century needs, the ECP is a living document that integrates college- and career-readiness exploration and preparation in one organized place. By connecting college and career plans, the ECP helps young people identify career interests and goals; connect career goals with specific qualifications, education, and training required for entry into those careers; outline a course plan that helps them meet postsecondary education and career goals; and record activities and accomplishments in both college readiness and career readiness.

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College & Career Readiness: A Guide For Navigators

This web-based guide describes steps for teachers, counselors, youth workers or mentors to take to guide young people through college and career preparation and success.

Work-Based Learning Guide

This web-based guide provides instructional strategies that engage employers and schools in providing a variety of work-based learning experiences for students.

Reimagining Workforce Policy in the Age of Disruption: A State Guide for Preparing the Future Workforce Now

The Future Workforce Now initiative developed an agenda for U.S. state policy leaders to prepare the workforce, addressing technological disruptions affecting current and future workers and workplaces.

From Surviving to Thriving

This paper offers programmatic solutions for education and employment for young people impacted by the U.S. justice system. These best practices were informed by work from the Compass Rose Collaborative.