Found 21 Results
Breaking the Cycle: How Two YDPA Apprentices Are Healing Their Communities
“To me, that’s the biggest message with this apprenticeship — this is the perfect way to learn how to change lives.” As we celebrate National Apprenticeship Week 2024, we highlight two Lake County Youth Development Practitioner Apprentices who use their work to break the cycles of trauma and heal their communities: Luis Garcia Jr. and […]
Compass Rose Collaborative Fact Sheet
The Compass Rose Collaborative (CRC) brings together FHI 360 and a cohort of partners that will serve justice-impacted youth in a holistic way. Through NIWL-designed training materials, a learn-and-earn working environment, and valuable mentorship activities, the CRC ensures that participants are equipped to thrive in their careers while minimizing further justice system involvement. Read this […]
A Community Approach to Addressing Native Incarceration: Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts have emerged as a promising community-based, culturally competent solution to disproportionate Native incarceration in the United States, drawing on the community to appropriately address the needs of justice-involved Native Americans. This review examines the disparities in Native incarceration in federal and state systems, as well as how these disparities can […]
The Advantages of an Intermediary Agency to Youth Reentry
Research highlights the benefits of collaborating with intermediary organizations for local reentry organizations and the justice-involved youth they serve. Read this resource for more information.
A Legacy of Partnership
FHI 360’s National Institute for Work and Learning (NIWL) partners with federal, state, local, and Tribal governments, community-based organizations, education and workforce agencies and community members to design, implement and evaluate social programs. Along the way, we and our partners learn alongside one another to develop our collective capacities to advance equity, health and well-being […]
Going the Extra Mile: A Case Study of Rural Reentry in Arkansas
Going the extra mile: A case study of rural reentry in Arkansas provides an exploration of a rural community in southeast Arkansas that takes a unique, individualized approach to reentering young adults ages 18-24. The received wisdom on rural reentry is that it is generally more difficult than reentry in an urban setting. Phoenix Youth […]
National Institute for Work and Learning (NIWL) Fact Sheet
This fact sheet profiles the work of FHI 360’s National Institute for Work and Learning (NIWL), which focuses on two key drivers of individual well-being: education and employment.
Career MAP Overview
Designed in partnership with the Greater Washington Urban League (GWUL), the Career Mobility Action Plan (MAP) project takes a holistic approach to career mobility and success. A groundbreaking pilot, Career MAP is designed to remove barriers that families with low income confront as they pursue employment that can sustain them.
Research & Evaluation Fact Sheet
The National Institute for Work and Learning (NIWL) at FHI 360 conducts high-quality research and evaluation to inform policies, practices and program models in education, employment, social services, and community systems. Our expertise is cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary. Our approach combines methodological rigor with deep content knowledge and a commitment to collaboration.
Bridge to Employment Fact Sheet Overview
Launched by Johnson & Johnson in 1992, Bridge to Employment (BTE) inspires young people (14 to 18 years old) to stay in school, excel academically, and elevate their career aspirations. This fact sheet is an overview of the BTE initiative, NIWL’s role, key data and evaluation results.