An Innovative Approach to Developing Talent for Youth-Serving Employers

FHI360’s Youth Development Practitioner Apprenticeship program offers employers the opportunity to recruit and train employees while giving back to the community and filling their talent pipeline. YDPA targets both existing professionals and opens options for new professionals with lived experience in the communities they serve. Occupations include youth service intake counselors, outreach workers, or justice reentry case workers among others.

Workforce Development Inside the Walls: A Rapid Employment Model

FHI 360 has launched the Post-Release Employment Program (PREP) to fast-track participants from behind bars to employment within six weeks. Participants complete two-thirds or more of the employment training pre-release with expedited connection to employers upon graduation. PREP is designed to respond to the critical needs and challenges of individuals returning from jails or prison into their communities.

NIWL Annual Review 2021: Navigating Through Turbulence

This annual review summarizes the work and accomplishments of the National Institute for Work and Learning across the areas of college and career readiness, workforce development, and research and evaluation. It references major projects, publications and events, and uses data to demonstrate outputs and, where possible, outcomes. The review also mentions new work won and our agenda for 2022.

Changing Language, Changing Minds: Using Restorative Language to Promote Solidarity and Equity

Restorative, or humanizing language, removes stereotypes and labels and shows solidarity and support to people and communities impacted by a variety of circumstances.  Through this guide, we encourage our clients and partners to support and lead change.

Providing Education Inside the Walls: A Michigan Pilot

In 2021 FHI 360 began a collaborative project with the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education, to test a replicable 360 model designed to enhance the career and technical educational program offerings for teachers within Michigan juvenile justice facilities and potentially juvenile facilities throughout the nation. FHI 360’s technical assistance specialists in justice, education, workforce, community development, and research and evaluation, provided four hours of comprehensive and responsive training and technical assistance to 34 teachers and direct service staff at four Michigan juvenile justice facility schools. Learn more about how educational programs offered in facilities reduce recidivism and improve employment outcomes.

Bridge to Employment Ice Cream Social

Follow FHI 360’s STEM2D Coach and Bridge to Employment youth as they demonstrate the science behind making one of everyone’s favorite treats- ice cream! Host an event with your students where they can learn all about chemistry and how different states of matter are important in the ice cream making process.

BTE Volunteer Training: Trabajar Con Jovenes

El eModule es un módulo de orientación y capacitación diseñado para los empleados de la compañía operativa local de Johnson & Johnson que son nuevos en el programa Bridge to Employment y que trabajarán con jóvenes. Los conceptos clave introducidos incluyen el desarrollo del cerebro de los adolescentes, el desarrollo positivo de los jóvenes, la comunicación eficaz y las prácticas de construcción de relaciones. Este módulo electrónico introductorio es seguido por una capacitación en persona con especialistas de FHI 360 que explorarán cada tema en mayor detalle

The Show Must Go On: FHI 360’s Alliance Building and Training Session (ABTS) As A Model Online 3-day Event

This document provides a brief overview of NIWL’s capabilities as it relates to pivoting in person conferences to engaging virtual events

Compass Rose Collaborative Young Adult Leadership Council Information Sheet

Launched in 2019, the Young Adult Leadership Council is a key component of NIWL’s Compass Rose Collaborative, a young adult reentry program. This program combines the principles of youth-adult partnerships with reentry programming.

Workforce Development Overview (Coming Soon!)

This fact sheet profiles FHI 360’s National Institute for Work and Learning (NIWL) workforce development efforts.