Digital Badges (What is A Digital Badge?)

Digital Badges are online credentials. Each badge on average contains 10-15 hours of work for students, equivalent to one college credit. Digital badges live on an online platform to verify that students have shown improvement in a certain area or accomplished a concrete task. Digital Badges can be linked to LinkedIn profiles, in resumes, as well as college and professional applications. FHI 360 offers a series of Digital Badges in a variety of foundational skills; each badge is comprised of four sub-competencies, which students must demonstrate understanding of in order to earn the badge. Read the overview to learn more!

Introduction to the Bridge to Employment Model

This eModule provides a quick overview of Johnson and Johnson’s global Bridge to Employment (BTE) program for new volunteers or partners looking to learn more about BTE’s model. Also available in Spanish.

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BTE Volunteer Training: Working With Youth

The Working with Youth eModule is an orientation and training module designed for Johnson & Johnson local operating company employees who are new to the Bridge to Employment program and will be working with youth. Key concepts introduced include adolescent brain development, positive youth development, effective communication, and relationship-building practices. This introductory eModule is followed by an in-person training with FHI 360 specialists who will explore each topic in greater detail.

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Adolescent Brain Development

This eModule explores the adolescent brain and provides an in depth understanding, along with tips and tools that youth mentors can use to guide and support the attainment of a young person’s goals. Also available in Spanish

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WiSTEM2D Youth Programs Orientation

This eModule provides a general overview of Johnson & Johnson’s WiSTEM2D initiative, the STEM2D philosophy, and general roles and responsibilities.

It is designed for mentors, site coordinators and program partners of the the global Johnson &Johnson funded WiSTEM2D program.

WiSTEM2D Volunteer Orientation

This eModule helps volunteers/youth navigators spark STEM2D enchantment and excitement among girls, tell their story, engage girls, and facilitate group dynamics.

WiSTEM2D Team Lead Orientation

This eModule helps team leads understand their role in the WiSTEM2D initiative, provides practical planning advice, including how to register the event with Talent for Good, select the venue and student activity, and recruit volunteers. It also reviews the data collection process and STEM2D resources available to team leads.

Live Event! Sparking Girls’ Interest in STEM²D Careers

Angela Shenton (Sr. Director, IT Procurement, Johnson & Johnson) and Lisa Johnson (Director, National Institute for Work and Learning, FHI360) co-hosted this STEM2D Live Event, which explored the importance of engaging and mentoring girls along STEM²D career paths. Brenda Okereke (Rutgers University School of Engineering student) and Gloria Candelario Hossri (J&J volunteer mentor) shared their experiences working together in the J&J Bridge to Employment Program. Teshell Ponteen Green (FHI360 Technical Officer) also led participants through two STEM²D activities during the episode.

STEM2D Student Activities Series Overview

The STEM2D Student Activities series includes interactive and fun, hands-on activities for girls and young women, ages 12–18, globally. All activities are aligned with research-based theory and the STEM2D philosophy. This guide helps youth navigators (individuals working with young people) select and implement the activities.

Go to to see all STEM2D Student Activities and Ignite! activities.

Bridge to Employment Fact Sheet Overview

Launched by Johnson & Johnson in 1992, Bridge to Employment (BTE) inspires young people (14 to 18 years old) to stay in school, excel academically, and elevate their career aspirations. This fact sheet is an overview of the BTE initiative, NIWL’s role, key data and evaluation results.