Found 74 Results
The Importance of Role Models in Education & Career Exploration
This self-directed eLearning Module helps adults understand how role models can support youth to develop their STEM identity. Gain tips for how to engage youth with diverse role models in STEM and how to be a supportive role model.
STEM2D Career Quiz
This 3-5 minute online quiz helps young people explore their interests and how a career in STEM can make a difference in the world.
STEM2D Student Activities Series Overview
The STEM2D Student Activities series includes interactive and fun, hands-on activities for girls and young women, ages 12–18, globally. All activities are aligned with research-based theory and the STEM2D philosophy. This guide helps youth navigators (individuals working with young people) select and implement the activities. Go to to see all STEM2D Student Activities and […]
NIWL Strategic Plan, 2019-2022
NIWL’s work under this strategic plan focuses on advancing equitable and accessible education and workforce systems; leading and supporting efforts to prepare the diverse workforce for the demands of the 21st century; and promoting data informed and research-based policies and practices.
STEM2D Overview
This fact sheet is an overview of NIWL’s work in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Manufacturing and Design (STEM2D) education and career readiness.
Volunteer Tips: Intro to Gender
Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tip Series, Intro to Gender helps youth navigators (1) better understand the increasing diversity of the young people who may participate in this program, and (2) some of the deeper issues associated with gender and the broader effort to promote an inclusive and just society.
Volunteer Tips: Engaging Youth
Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tips Series, Engaging Youth helps youth navigators prepare for, engage with, and inspire youths.
Volunteer Tips: Youth Brain Development
Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tip Series, Youth Brain Development provides youth navigators with a basic overview and key concepts related to brain development. Understanding adolescent brain development provides important information for supporting young people as they navigate this period of development.
Volunteer Tips: STEM Messaging for Parents
Part of NIWL’s Volunteer Tip Series, STEM Messaging for Parents, outlines key messages that can be shared with parents, both to convince them of the value of STEM education and career options and to help them promote and maintain their child’s interest in STEM.
Live Event! Sparking Girls’ Interest in STEM²D Careers
Angela Shenton (Sr. Director, IT Procurement, Johnson & Johnson) and Lisa Johnson (Director, National Institute for Work and Learning, FHI360) co-hosted this STEM2D Live Event, which explored the importance of engaging and mentoring girls along STEM²D career paths. Brenda Okereke (Rutgers University School of Engineering student) and Gloria Candelario Hossri (J&J volunteer mentor) shared their […]